Brandon Lavoie (b. 1991) is an American filmmaker and photographer currently based in Napa, California. As a latchkey kid, he developed a vivid imagination and a profound curiosity about people—their origins, the decisions they make, and the ripples these decisions create throughout their lives. Lavoie’s artistic practice is characterized by a methodical approach that seamlessly blends documentary and narrative forms. His emphasis on forging genuine relationships with his subjects, combined with his meticulous attention to visual storytelling devices, results in work that is both intimate and cinematic.

Throughout his career, Lavoie has earned significant recognition, most notably receiving a Silver Clio for his short film entitled "Dear Rich." His work has also been recognized with Telly Awards, Vimeo Staff Picks, and nominations at both the Cannes Young Director Awards and 1.4 Awards. In Spring 2024, some of Lavoie's photography was included in the "Ephemeral" group exhibition at Brooklyn Film Camera.

His commercial clients include Marriott, Hilton, Disney, Capital One, Salomon, Arc'Teryx, Hunter Boots, Neiman Marcus, and Ikea. Lavoie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Emerson College, and his commercial and personal work continue to take him to locations around the globe.